Smart Energy GB response to Institute of Directors
Sacha Deshmukh, Chief Executive of Smart Energy GB said:
“A year ago the IoD produced a fundamentally flawed analysis of smart meters which was riddled with factual inaccuracies and contained absurd policy ideas, ranging from fitting webcams in every home to digitising the energy supply for only the richest parts of the population and leaving the rest of the country behind.
“The IoD has already been shown to be incorrect in its analysis and it still does not understand what is needed to create a secure, efficient and sustainable energy supply for the future.
“It is sad to see that the IoD continues to regurgitate the same inaccuracies and perverse policy positions in relation to the vital modernisation of Britain’s energy system that is being delivered by the smart meter rollout. It is a great shame that, by repeating such poor quality and incorrect analysis, the IoD is rapidly losing any credibility as a serious commentator on energy or infrastructure policy."
About Smart Energy GB
Smart Energy GB is the national campaign for Great Britain's smart meter rollout. It's our task to help everyone in Great Britain understand smart meters, the national rollout and how to use their new meters to get their gas and electricity under control. Our national campaign has already begun and will reach all households and microbusinesses in England, Scotland and Wales.
About smart meters and the rollout
Smart meters will replace the traditional meters we currently have in our homes. They will provide consumers with accurate bills, near real time information on energy usage in pounds and pence, and greater control over their gas and electricity. The smart meter rollout is an essential technology upgrade, unprecedented in its scale, to improve Great Britain’s energy infrastructure. Between now and 2020, everyone across England, Scotland and Wales will be offered a smart meter by their energy supplier at no extra cost. Over three million smart meters have already been installed. To find out how you can get a smart meter from your energy supplier please visit
Smart Energy GB media contacts
For more information including interview requests, case studies of smart meter users, infographics, photography and video content please contact the Smart Energy GB media team:
Smart Energy GB:
Lucy Maggs:; 0203 019 1054 / 07747 690 432
Stephen Shawcross:; 0203 019 1057