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Page last updated icon Page last updated on 1st August 2024

Pester power of energy conscious 'greenagers' helps make British households cheaper to run

  • 63% of parents worry about the rising cost of household bills over summer due to the increased number of people at home
  • However, this worry may be eased as eight in 10 (82%) teenagers say it's important to them to waste less energy and be environmentally friendly
  • In a reversal of roles, 41% of parents admit their teenagers pester them to be more energy efficient in the home
  • Households that have switched to a smart meter, enabling them to better monitor energy usage and access more flexible energy tariffs, say they have saved an average of £140 on their bills over 12 months
  • Smart Energy GB has partnered with Energy Advice Helpline to offer Brits helpful tips on how to manage household energy throughout the summer
  • Actor Will Mellor and his family have collaborated on the campaign to offer their experience of managing energy use in a busy household

With the summer holidays now in full swing, 63% of parents are worried about the rising cost of household bills due to the increased number of people at home with more free time. However, with 82% of teenagers saying they believe it’s important to be environmentally friendly and waste less energy, this worry may be eased.

New research from Smart Energy GB reveals that over a quarter (26%) of teenagers consider themselves to be more environmentally friendly than their parents and a third (33%) are actively looking to reduce their energy waste in the home this summer.

Turning these intentions into actions, 31% of teenagers say they are now having shorter showers to save energy, while almost a fifth (18%) always use the washing machine at a lower temperature.

And it’s not just their own actions they’re looking to impact, this new generation of ‘greenagers’ are encouraging their parents to think more about their energy habits too. Many parents admit to being caught out by their kids who have reminded them to turn the lights off when they leave the room (49%), dry clothes on the washing line or clothes horse instead of using the tumble dryer (33%), and unplug devices when fully charged (42%).

Nearly a quarter (24%) of teenagers even encourage their parents to actively keep a watch on their smart meter’s in home display, and 39% nudge them to not leave appliances on for longer than necessary.

Showing this ‘pester power’ is filtering through the family, 26% of parents say it's thanks to their household’s younger inhabitants that they’re now more aware of the amount of energy they use at home. This has inspired a fifth (19%), who didn’t have a smart meter previously, to get one installed, enabling them to better monitor their energy usage. Smart meter owners say it has helped them save an average of £140 in the last 12 months.1

Alongside the financial benefits, those with a smart meter say they now experience a greater sense of control, as 19% have seen their teenagers become even more aware of turning off appliances without being nudged and 15% ask more questions about how best to use and save energy.

What’s more, a separate poll of smart meter owners found three-quarters (74%) said they have a better understanding of their energy use since getting a smart meter, and 89% have taken steps to reduce their energy use since having one installed.

Smart Energy GB has teamed up with Energy Advice Helpline and actor Will Mellor to help make more households aware of the energy options available to them and how making the switch to a smart meter can help families keep track of their energy usage.

Actor and Dad, Will Mellor says “Like most families, we find our monthly bills can be quite high and as the kids get older, this isn’t likely to change anytime soon. By working with Smart Energy GB, we wanted to better understand where we could make small changes to our routine to help reduce our energy usage.

 “The kids love to feel independent and we try to provide them with tools that can make their life easier moving forward. Having a smart meter is just one example of this. After having one installed, we all have a better understanding of our energy usage, household bills and where we can be more energy efficient. It has made a big change overall.”

Victoria Bacon, Director at Smart Energy GB comments “Homes can feel a little busier over summer with children returning home from university and schools and colleges closing, which can be a worry for the people paying the bills. But our research shows younger generations are really keen to waste less energy and embrace more energy efficient habits in the home, and these ‘greenagers’ are actually encouraging the whole family to do the same. Small, actionable changes can add up to making a real difference. Paired with getting a smart meter, which offers a whole range of benefits – including access to more flexible energy tariffs – families can feel more in control of their energy use and household bills, not only during summer but all-year round.”

Chris Reynolds, Marketing Director, at Energy Advice Helpline, says “Being more energy efficient has been top of the agenda for many households across the UK in recent years, so much so that the younger generation are influencing their older parents and relatives to make changes to their daily habits to save energy, and reduce their household bills. In partnership with Smart Energy GB, we’ve highlighted that improvements don’t need to be drastic and offered tips that all the family can implement to help everyone in the household feel more in control of their energy use.”

For further information search ‘Get a smart meter’ or watch the full video of Will Mellor and his children finding out who's more energy efficient in the household.